Monday 27 February 2017

Current Makeup Bag Staples

We know how it is around here - I love trying out new makeup but I'm a creature of habit and when I love something I wear it to death. Recently I've been loving a natural glowy skin look with warm neutral eyes and lips, and so here are my three loves that I always have on the go at the moment...

Thursday 23 February 2017

Worth the Hype? Oskia's Renaissance Cleansing Gel

Oh you bet I fell for the hype with this one. The Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel is raved about all over the internet, and it was something I always longed for but passed up due to the price - nearly £30 is a lot for a cleanser. However I've got to say, it is totally worth the money. Onto the rave...
Of course I had to use a Lily Pebbles cover - she turned me onto this cleanser!


Sunday 12 February 2017

Something I've Been Working On

Some of you may already know that I've been working at my university's student run magazine for a few months now. As we have finally got all of the recent issues of Magdalen online, I wanted to make a quick post to let you all know! I'm not being asked to promote it, but I and the rest of the team are so proud of our magazine so I'd love it to reach a wider audience than our campus. I've also had a few friends from online ask if they can read it, so I'm happy I can finally share it.
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